- 哥本哈根就是一个很好的例子。
- Copenhagen is a fine example .
- 我们这有很多好女人。
- We have many fine women .
- 如果抵押贷款成了你唯一的信贷时,罚款。
- Fine , if a mortgage is the only credit you have .
- 这是一个重大的举措。
- That would be a big step .
- 重大的政治问题仍然没有解决。
- Big political issues remain unsolved .
- 汽车制造商正在削减产量以减少庞大的库存。
- Carmakers are slashing production to reduce big inventories .
- 它不会实际的存储任何图片(毕竟twitter一贯外包网址缩短,先是向tinyurl以及最近向bit.ly),不过如果有天twitter添加了缩略图预览功能我们也不会吃惊。
- It 's unlikely they 'll actually host any images ( twitter has always outsourced url shortening , after all , first to tinyurl and more recently to bit . Ly ) , but we wouldn 't be surprised if twitter someday added thumbnail preview functionality for shared image links .
- 你或许听说过(也可能没有),布林和佩奇如何抛开了私人助手和日历,更愿意听凭一时的兴致带他们匆匆走过一个个杂乱无章的日子;或是他们如何解散了整整一个管理层,将工程师们从各种限制中解放出来。
- You may or may not have heard before how brin and page dispensed with personal assistants and calendars , preferring to bounce through their large ly unstructured days as the whim took them , or how they disbanded an entire layer of managers to set their engineers free of almost all controls .
- graphic.ly的ipad应用中,读者可以对喜爱的画页进行评论。
- Graphic . Ly 's ipad app allows readers to comment on their favorite panels .