- 我只是造了那份假条约.
- I only made the fake treaty .
- 在喷涌出假鱼的河里。
- In sprouting lakes of fake fish .
- 老千在桌上放一个隐藏了摄像头的假冒筹码。
- Cheats put fake chips with a hidden camera on a table .
- 陈振聪自己的律师聘请的一位笔迹专家说,2006年遗嘱上龚如心的签名可能是伪造的。
- A handwriting expert hired by mr. chan 's own lawyers said ms. wang 's signature on the 2006 will is probably a forgery .
- firefox3同样让你知道你是否访问了一个合法网站的赝品。
- Firefox 3 will also let you know if the site you are visiting appears to be a forgery of a legitimate site .
- 其他modigliani的目录并不完整,或者至少有部分丧失了信誉曾经便有位法国作者被判伪造。
- Other modigliani catalogues are incomplete or at least partially discredited-one french author was convicted for forgery .
- 12月份美国贸易代表发布了一份全世界最“臭名昭著”的假货市场的年度报告。
- In december the us trade representative issued its annual report on the world 's most " notorious " counterfeit markets .
- 另外一些人则通过仔细查看水印、识别标志和序列号来区分真钞,防范据说流传于市场的少量伪造津巴布韦钞票。
- Others guard against the small number of counterfeit zimbabwean bills rumored to be in the market by studying the watermark , signature and serial numbers that distinguish genuine bills .
- 在线拍卖的商家和商务网站都纷纷暗示他们有假货可卖。
- Sellers on online auction and trading sites use carefully chosen expressions to indicate that they are offering counterfeit goods .