- 但是在硅谷,面容苍白、痴迷于研究计算机代码的年轻人经常跟摇滚明星一样受到追捧,电影里的想象有时会变成现实。
- Yet in silicon valley , where pasty-faced youths with a penchant for churning out computer code are often feted as rock stars , celluloid fantasy can sometimes become reality .
- 梳子是第一批也是最普遍的用赛璐珞制造的物品之一。
- Combs were among the first and most popular objects made of celluloid .
- 但到了十九世纪末,那种盛况随着一种全新材料的兴起而衰落,这就是赛璐珞,第一种人工合成的塑料。
- But in the late nineteenth century , that panoply of possibilities began to fall away with the arrival of a totally new kind of material - celluloid , the first man-made plastic .