- 虚拟再制造是以信息、仿真和虚拟现实等多种技术为基础,通过计算机虚拟实现再制造全过程的一项前沿技术。
- Based on information technology , smu 1 ation technology and virtual reality technology , virtual remanufacturing is a leading edge technology simulating the whole process of remanufacturing .
- 信息可视化作为对巨量电子类信息资源集合进行处理与分析的技术与方法,在互联网与信息技术的推动下得到了迅速地发展。
- As the technology using for analyzing & processing jillion electronic information resources , information visualization is developing rapidly driven by the internet and information technology .
- 信息对抗促使信息技术飞速的发展。
- Information opposability technology cause information technology development at very fast speed .