- 您属于哪个年龄段?
- What is your age group ?
- 您最大的遗憾是什么?
- What is your biggest regret ?
- 我们是您今晚的客人。
- We are your guest tonight .
- 你认为律师费用昂贵吗?
- Think the lawyers are expensive ?
- 他们丢下了她的昂贵珠宝。
- They left her expensive jewellery .
- 那里的东西太贵了。
- Things there are too expensive .
- 名义上廉价还是实际上昂贵?
- Nominally cheap or really dear ?
- 亲爱的同学,你准备好了吗?
- My dear students , are you ready ?
- 亲爱的上帝---请恢复服务!
- Dear god please restore service !
- 这三种贵金属的涨势能否持续?
- Are the gains in these three precious metals sustainable ?
- 世界同时在遗失知识,遗失那些最有用和弥足珍贵的品种。
- The world is losing knowledge , too , of the most useful and precious kinds .
- 我们往往忽视了这份宝贵的东西,因为它永恒吗,还是因为它的普通?
- We tend to neglect this precious thing , because it eternity , or because it 's common ?