- 贯穿今年的反抗活动的两个其他普通主题。
- Two other common motifs run through this year 's rebellions .
- 试验性活动似乎贯穿着西尔弗的一生。
- An experimental streak seems to run through mr silver 's life .
- 以上两个例子,说英语的人几乎是不能识别的,但通过声谱仪却能清晰的看到不同的图样。
- In both cases the two words are nearly indistinguishable to an english speaker but yield starkly different patterns when run through a spectrograph .
- 这些问题始终贯穿于北约新“战略观”的各轮谈论,新“战略观”可能今年底将获准通过。
- Such questions permeate discussions of nato 's new " strategic concept " , to be adopted later this year .
- 神道教强烈的美学成分一种对于物质和过程的敬畏依然弥漫在手工制作和艺术品中。
- Shinto 's strong aesthetic component , a reverence toward materials and processes , continues to permeate the crafts and the arts .
- 一些银行家们表示,事实上,当对冲基金的观点和策略贯穿整个市场的时候,有时很难清楚地将对冲基金与资本市场中的其它参与者区分开来。
- Indeed , as hedge fund attitudes and strategies permeate across the markets , it is sometimes hard to draw a meaningful distinction between hedge funds and other players in the capital market , some bankers say
- 在这段时间里,手机将连续三次给一个sms简易代码发送一串数字。
- During this time , the device will send a string of numbers to an sms shortcode three times .
- 但是,表达一个不容易被描绘的抽象概念时,则可以使用一串代表其发音的字符。
- But to express an abstract idea that can 't be readily drawn , you can use a string of sounds .
- 这样实际文件名中的#将被多个url中的当前字符串代替。
- That variable will be replaced with the current string for the url being fetched .