- 20多年前研究人员就已经知道所谓的如大肠杆菌等革兰阴性菌如何降解回收利用它们的rna。
- Researchers have known for more than 20 years how so-called gram-negative bacteria like escherichia coli degrade and recycle their rna .
- 如果衣服箱子中没有空气,衣服质地会很快地降解,同时,可能产生霉菌。
- If the clothes aren 't able to breathe , they degrade more quickly and can develop mildew in the meantime .
- 尽管其它气体对地球的变暖起到另外一半的作用,但是它们的影响降解得很快,所罗门说。
- While other gases are responsible for nearly half of the warming , they degrade more rapidly , solomon said .
- 不过,存款利率却已经开始上升。
- But deposit rates are already rising .
- 银行利率依然是政策的俘虏,被用来监管储蓄利率。
- Bank interest rates remain captive to the policy of regulated deposit rates .
- 它们还保持了高资本充足率,吸收了大量的储蓄。
- They have also maintained adequate capital ratios and ample deposit funding .