- 问题在贪婪的美国公司身上。
- Greedy us corporations are the criminals .
- 让他们为贪婪而不与我们对立。
- And make them too greedy to oppose us .
- 最简单的答案是:富人太过贪婪。
- The simplest answer is that the rich got too greedy .
- 国内腐败的政府部门无法应对。
- The corrupt interior ministry cannot cope .
- 第一场战争是击碎腐败的阿拉法特(arafat)政权。
- The first was a war to dismantle the corrupt arafat regime .
- 在最腐败的国家里,统治者只是为了帮助自己获得公款吃喝。
- In the most corrupt countries the rulers simply help themselves to public money .
- 神秘、多疑、贪婪、冷酷,亨利七世这个人物长期不是跳过或就是被忽略。
- Mysterious , suspicious , avaricious , cold , the figure of henry vii has long been skipped over or ignored .
- 范文荣(phamvanvinh)在河内当出租车司机已有20年,在此期间,他学会了如何对付越南首都混乱的街道以及贪得无厌的交警。
- In his 20 years as a hanoi taxi driver , pham van vinh has learnt to negotiate the chaotic streets of vietnam 's capital and the demands of its avaricious traffic police .
- 此外,我们还能免于这样的遭遇,即那些醉心权欲、贪得无厌的恶棍通过他们私有的媒体发号施令,强迫公众相信也就是他们自己的自私自利的观点和他们支持的体系。
- Among other things , we would be free of thesituation in which a bunch of power-crazed , avaricious bullies dictate throughtheir privately owned media outlets what the public should believe-which is tosay , their own self-interested opinions and the system they support .
- 这是一个“世界级”产业,它白手起家,业务大部分都在海外,同时克服了印度糟糕落后的基础设施和这个无能,甚至有时贪腐的国家。
- This is a world-class industry built from nothing , that won most of its business abroad , while overcoming india 's lousy infrastructure and inept , and sometimes venal , state .
- 按照这种思维,穆沙拉夫的留任要比他褪化成一个古怪贪腐的平民(或许身后还会迅速地跟上一位狂热的毛拉)要好的多。
- Better his finger on pakistan 's nuclear button , the thinking went , than a flaky , venal civilian , perhaps followed in short order by a mad mullah .
- 在突尼斯和平民主革命中,法国政府由于倾向于突尼斯野蛮且腐败的独裁者而搞砸了这场革命。
- His government had badly bungled the peaceful democratic revolution in tunisia by clinging to that country 's brutal and venal dictator .
- 希腊是否应该从自身利益出发、积极谋求退出呢?
- Should greece actively seek an exit , in its own interests ?
- 他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。
- He announced monday he wouldn 't seek re-election in 2012 .
- 至于中产阶级,法西斯主义不谋求对他们的没收。
- As for the bourgeoisie , fascism doesn 't seek their expropriation .
- 问题在贪婪的美国公司身上。
- Greedy us corporations are the criminals .
- 让他们为贪婪而不与我们对立。
- And make them too greedy to oppose us .
- 最简单的答案是:富人太过贪婪。
- The simplest answer is that the rich got too greedy .