- 最大的问题在于人的素质而不是数量。
- The biggest problem is quality not quantity .
- 阿富汗军队的人数和素质均在提高。
- The afghan army is growing in numbers and quality .
- 劳动者的素质一直以来被视为比劳动数量更为重要。
- And the quality of labour has been even more important than the quantity .
- 钢铁是无处不在的生产资料。
- Steel is the ubiquitous material of choice .
- 大部分资料肯定是具有隐私性的。
- Much of the material is certainly very private .
- 词典学更类似于材料科学。
- Lexicography is really more about material science .
- 研究结果发表在自然杂志上。
- The research is described in nature .
- 月核的本质是什么?
- What is nature of lunar core ?
- 其次说危机的性质。
- The nature of the crisis .
- 灵魂是一种非物质的物体。
- The soul is an immaterial substance .
- 实质意义总是会战胜象征意义。
- Substance should always trump symbolism .
- 物质滥用,绝大多数公司都有员工手册。
- Substance abuse most companies have employee handbooks .
- 产品筹集的资金被一家第三方私募公司投进了内陆省份河南的四家公司,其中包括一家典当行。
- Proceeds were invested by a third-party private-equity firm in four businesses in the inland province of henan , including a pawn shop .
- 除开他的马前卒梅德韦杰夫,他可以选择更有自由主义倾向的总理人选,例如正在寻求反对者支持的前财政部长亚历克斯库尔德林。
- And instead of mr medvedev , his pawn , he could choose as prime minister a relative liberaliser such as alexei kudrin , a former finance minister who has sought to engage the protesters .
- 资金投进了四家公司,分别是一家典当行,一家汽车销售公司,一家汽车服务公司和一家娱乐公司。
- The money was invested in four companies including a pawn shop , a car sales company , a car services company and an entertainment company .
- 一些人公然质疑图斯克当局。
- Some openly question his authority .
- 但外部人士往往质疑这种说法。
- Outsiders often question that narrative .
- 不过大疑问仍然存在。
- But big question marks remain .
- 古典风格直率、朴实无华,且不渲染感情。
- The classic style is straightforward , unadorned , unemotional .
- 这句朴实无华的语言,生动真切地概括了我们党全心全意为。
- This simple and unadorned language , generalized our party vivid and clearly to be heart and soul .
- 老师,多么朴实无华的名字,在这特别的节日里,老师,您休息了吗?
- Teacher , the how unadorned name , in this special holiday , teacher , you have rested ?
- 质的特性比单单数量更为重要。
- Qualitative issues can be even more important than mere quantities .
- 他采用一切已知的办法来打击美元的信用美元的量的增加和质的恶化。
- He struck in every known way at the integrity of the us dollar through quantitative increases and qualitative deterioration .
- 克里斯琴补充说,和母亲补充不含铁质的营养剂的孩子相比,这群年龄较大的孩子有质的不同。
- Christian adds there was a qualitative difference between these older children and those whose mothers had received the supplements without iron .
- 称呼他为天才的人们则看重他作品中永恒的、共同的特点。
- Those who have called him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work .
- 我们没有丢掉这些优良品质。
- We have not lost these qualities .
- 他拥有的5个品质。
- And the 5 qualities he encompassed .