- 哪些物品被污染了?
- Which goods have been contaminated ?
- 很多商品的价格立即飙升。
- Prices of various goods immediately rocketed .
- 它们既不是金钱也不是货物。
- These are not money or goods .
- 手机已成为利润很低的日用品。
- Handsets are becoming a commodity with shrinking margins .
- 不过人的肾脏可不是普通的日用品。
- But human kidneys are no ordinary commodity .
- 大宗商品价格已开始下降。
- Commodity prices have started to decline .
- 但问题不仅仅在于钱。
- But it is more than just money .
- 所有法定货币的长期价值都是零。
- The long-run value of all fiat money is zero .
- 金钱并不是我前进的动力。”
- Money is not a motivator for me . "
- 国有商店里用比索交换的货物稀稀疏疏地摆在货架上。
- The shelves of state-owned shops selling merchandise in pesos are sparsely stocked .
- 兰博基尼将其周边商品划分为三个细分市场。
- Lamborghini divides its merchandise products into three segments .
- 目前还不清楚这些商店是如何获得苹果的商品。
- It is unclear how the stores procure the apple merchandise .