- 讲话中并未明确提及投降或战败,甚至一开始还在重复裕仁最初宣称的参战理由为了“希求帝国之自存于东亚之安定”。
- There was no explicit mention of surrender or defeat and the broadcast even began with a reprise of the emperor 's original justification for entering the war to ensure japan 's survival and the stability of asia .
- 二战日本战败之后,在同盟国占领军的指示下,神道教被废除国教地位,其节日被减少,日本天皇声明放弃了继承的第一任天皇传说为太阳神的后裔神性。
- After japan 's defeat in the second world war , shinto , under the direction of the allied occupation force , was disestablished , its holidays were curtailed , and the emperor 's divinity-based on the first emperor 's purported descent from the sun goddess-was renounced .
- 同时,拜占庭的皇帝赫拉克略已经成功地在小亚细亚翼侧包围波斯军队,把他们挤进美索不达米亚北部,并且打败他们。
- Meanwhile , the byzantine emperor heraclius had successfully outflanked the persian armies in asia minor and handed them a crushing defeat in northern mesopotamia .