- 同时某地的某位管理人士也会毅然决定,不允许保险公司将养老储蓄当作金融赌场中的免费筹码。
- Someone somewhere will surely decide that insurance companies should not be allowed to treat pension savings as free chips in the financial casino .
- 财务上的节省将是相称的吗?
- Would the financial savings be commensurate ?
- 哈利法克斯储蓄产品部门主管弗拉维帕拉西奥斯乌马尼亚(flaviapalaciosumana)说:“通过零用钱教孩子重要的财务课,可以使他们了解基本的财务问题,更重要的是了解挣钱和花钱的影响。”
- Flavia palacios umana , head of savings products at halifax , said : " teaching children important financial life lessons by using pocket money will quickly give them understanding of basic financial issues , and more importantly the consequences associated with making and spending money . "