- 英国零售联合会说这是一个“穷困的圣诞节”。
- The british retail consortium said it had been " a poor christmas " .
- 2008年,一个科学家联合组织和一个动物保护组织发起了第一个长期的雪豹研究计划。
- In 2008 , a consortium of scientists and conservation groups launched the first long-term snow leopard study .
- 他也有可能加入某一财团进行投标,使该公司私有化。
- He will probably be part of a consortium bidding to take the firm private .
- 教皇的关心是有道理的。
- The pope 's concern is justified .
- 担心过度使用化学品吗?
- Concern about over-use of chemicals ?
- 然而现在主要关心的并不是经济。
- But economics is not its main concern .
- 在收到意向书后,他们还可以自己安排竞标银团。
- It can arrange consortia of bidders itself once it has received expressions of interest .
- 这些电缆造价达数亿美元,一般由多家电信公司联合铺设,成本和产能由它们共同承担。
- The cables , which can cost hundreds of millions of dollars , are typically owned by consortia of telecom companies , who share costs and capacity .
- 通过组建银团,锁定来自大型华尔街投行的资金,私人股本基金降低了彼此之间被迫激烈竞价的可能性。
- By forming consortia and locking up finance from the biggest wall street banks , private equity funds reduce their chances of being forced to bid fiercely against each other .