- 为了解决混乱局面,为了给某些财产权和所有权法律框架打好基础,2001年的一份法律宣称,谁能证明自己连续占有土地5年,既可正式申请拥有该土地,但是该法律似乎不适用于湖滨居民。
- In a bid to settle the confusion and laythe bedrock for some sort of property rights and legal framework for ownership , a 2001 law said that people who could prove five years of continuous occupancy could apply to formally own the land , but that does not seem to apply to the lakeside residents .
- 本课程著重在基本财产权观念、限制、分枝及其形式,内容包括:所有权、地上权、永佃权、地役权、抵押权、质权、留置权与占有。
- This course focus on basic study of property rights , its limitations and special forms in which it could appear , including : ownership , superficies , yong-dian , servitudes , mortgage , lien , dian and right of retention .
- 资本主义就是指意谓着拥有资本、对资本的产权。
- Capitalism means ownership of capital , property rights on capital .
- 他们也复制专有的工业生产工序。
- They also copied proprietary industrial processes .
- 这使得能够将自营业务和客户业务结合起来的金融机构处在了一个强势地位。
- This put financial institutions that were able to combine proprietary and customer business into a strong position .
- 没有人有一个专有的优势。
- Nobody has a proprietary edge .