- 其中四人在多云的天空下行走最终全都绕着圈子,尽管他们思考着如何沿着直线走。
- Four of them walked under a cloudy sky and all ended up walking in circles , despite thinking they were going straight .
- 如果你的孩子总是一头扎进沙发,喜欢爬墙或者转圈,她很有可能渴望感觉输入。
- If your child is crashing into couches , climbing the walls or spinning in circles , chances are she 's craving sensory input .
- 一旦她发现什么非常有趣或刺激的东西,就会像只蝙蝠似的飞掠过去,跳着圆圈舞或8字舞冲过空地。
- If she found something truly funny or exciting , she took off like a skittering bat , dancing in circles and figure eights across the clearing .