- 爱尔兰看似一位心脏病发作的有节制的慢跑者。
- Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack .
- north教授喜欢第一幅蚊子心脏的照片,因为照片质量高和使用技术复杂但同样也因为它的吸引人的几何形状,还有看起来很像布鲁克林桥。
- North likes the first-place photo of a mosquito heart because of the image quality and technical sophistication - but also because it is geometrically striking and almost looks like it could be the brooklyn bridge .
- 爱尔兰看似一位心脏病发作的有节制的慢跑者。
- Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack .