- 毛皮中我只喜欢黑貂皮和水貂皮。
- The only furs I like are sable and mink .
- 制作人问道。“她是说貂皮还是说盖博?”
- Asks the producer . " Did she say sable or gable ? "
- 这是貂色和白色间蓝色。
- This is a sable and white bluie .
- 3月2日在波罗的海的吕根岛上发现了这只岩貂,它还活着,但是有严重患病的迹象。
- The marten was found alive , but showing signs of severe illness , on the baltic island of ruegen on 2 march .
- 新文件貂皮黑博士美国妇女扣骑车靴。
- New dr doc marten black us womens buckle biker boots .
- 那批貂皮小衣的包装非常优美。
- These marten overcoats are tastefully packed .
- 她身上穿着貂皮衣服。
- She furred herself with ermine .
- 在一些国家卖貂皮是不合法的。
- It 's illegal to sell ermine in some countries .
- 现在再看莱昂纳多达芬奇所画的那只貂,在它主人轻松的怀握里,安静地歇息着,虽然仍保持高度的警惕。
- And now look at leonardo da vinci 's ermine , resting quietly , although still very much alert , in the loose grip of his mistress .
- 但这次极其愚蠢的行为引发了另一个问题:那些貂在那里干嘛?
- But there 's a second question raised by this act of preternatural imbecility : what were the mink doing there anyway ?
- 用上羊绒,它到达了“另一个层次;它可以用羊绒或是貂皮,或是和奢华的零碎织在一起。”
- In cashmere it goes " to another level ; it could be in cashmere or mink , or woven with luxury bits and pieces . "
- 就如许多引进的物种一样,美国貂也能通过生态系统杀出一片生机,因为它们没有本土的天敌,而它们所掠食的物种还没有进化到可以躲避它们的掠食。
- Like many introduced species , american mink can slash their way through the ecosystem , as they have no native predators , and their prey species haven 't evolved to avoid them .
- 北昆士兰州的白狐猴负鼠消失在人们的视线里已经有3年了。
- The white lemuroid possum of northern queensland hasn 't been seen in three years
- 也许我们也应该把白狐猴负鼠作为全球变暖的受害者代表。
- Perhaps we should also adopt the white lemuroid possum as an icon for the victims of global warming .
- 并且在去年,澳大利亚的研究人员报告称,将成为现代世界首度出现灭绝的哺乳动物会是狐猴浣熊和负鼠。
- And last year , researchers in australia reported what would be the world 's first mammalian extinction of modern times : the lemuroid ringtail possum .