- 我制造了一个虚假的障碍。
- I 'm creating a false barrier .
- 大多数虚假新闻很容易就得到原谅。
- Most false news is easily forgiven .
- 清除那些错误的根源。
- Weed out the false roots .
- 当然他们也不是完全错误。
- They were not wholly wrong .
- 但是这种分析是错误的。
- But the analysis is wrong .
- 根本就没有错误的答案。
- There is no wrong answer .
- 这个问题可能看来有些荒唐。
- The question might seem absurd .
- 而荒唐的假设却被添加进来。
- And absurd assumptions were added .
- 这也许是个荒唐的问题。
- It might seem an absurd question .
- 戴维斯告诉我,哈吉斯误会了他女儿被山达基排斥的事情。
- Davis told me that haggis was mistaken about his daughter having been ostracized by scientologists .
- 很多评论人士提出了两个错误假设。
- Many commentators made two mistaken assumptions .
- 一般情况下,我都会被误认为是俄罗斯人。
- Typically , I was mistaken for russian .
- 在微博时代,与无数的谎言相比,一丝半缕的真相对于当局来说或许更为棘手。
- In the age ofweibo , it may be that the wisps of truth prove more problematic for authorities than the clouds of falsehood .
- 谎言固然是这位探险家生活的一部分;混乱的消息来源也令16世纪的旅行文学糟糕不堪。
- Falsehood was then part of the fabric of the explorer 's life ; corrupt sources bedevilled travel literature in the 16th century .
- 奥兰称,提起诉讼的理由是浑水公司“诽谤、中伤和恶意捏造谎言”。
- Olam said it had initiated the action based on " libel , slander and malicious falsehood " .
- 我认为,以易谬性为出发点使我的概念框架更加切合实际。
- I contend that taking fallibility as the starting point makes my conceptual framework more realistic .
- 总而言之,对欧元危机的讨论可以说明易谬性和反身性如何为我们提供了一个观察社会变化过程的有趣视角。
- In conclusion , I believe that this discussion of the euro crisis illustrates how fallibility and reflexivity can provide interesting insights into the process of social change .
- 此外,反身性和易谬性并不局限于金融市场,也是其他社会生活范畴中的特点,特别是政治。
- Moreover reflexivity and fallibility are not confined to the financial markets ; they also characterize other spheres of social life , particularly politics .