- 但投资者必须谨慎行事。
- But investors must be careful .
- 对年金债券采取谨慎的态度。
- Be careful with annuities .
- 这篇文章值得仔细研究。
- Eg. the article deserves careful study .
- 其他分析者更为谨慎。
- Other analysts are more cautious .
- 温总理对于解决高压的地方政府的问题也是很谨慎的。
- Yet mr wen is cautious when dealing with high-handed local authorities .
- 至今为止,腾讯是三家公司中最谨慎的一个。
- Tencent has so far been the most cautious of the three .
- 拉霍伊表达了类似的谨慎态度。
- Mr rajoy was similarly circumspect .
- 卡梅伦先生曾计划比托尼布莱尔在国外更加的谨慎小心。
- Mr cameron had planned to be more circumspect abroad than tony blair .
- 被问到怎样保持权威时,纽曼表现得很慎重。
- When asked how he maintained authority , newman was circumspect .