- 2.预测可能出现的问题,提前进行规划。
- Anticipate problems that might come up and plan for them . "
- 然而,这个计划不会奏效。
- Their master plan won 't work .
- 有时,备选方案也毫不逊色。
- Sometimes , plan b is pretty good .
- 机密三:为紫色项目招兵买马
- Recruiting for the " purple project "
- 2.要求在项目完成前获得部分款项
- Get a portion paid before the project is finished
- 每个项目大约会持续三到六个月。
- Each project lasted about three to six months .
- 在伊拉兹马斯项目下,许多学生到欧洲其他国家学习一学期到一年,但他们经常发现大学不愿给出相应学分。
- Under the erasmus programme many students travelled to other european countries for between a term and a year-but they often found their universities reluctant to give them credit for it .
- 而荷兰鹿特丹大学提供的“世界幸福感数据库”显示,自杀率高的国家的人们声称他们感到不幸福。
- People in countries with high suicide rates say they are unhappier , according to the " world database of happiness " maintained by erasmus university in rotterdam .
- 16世纪早期伟大的人文主义者伊拉兹马斯问道。
- Asked erasmus , the great humanist of the early 16th century .