- 在职工妇科普查中,应用tbs诊断具有重要意义。
- Application of tbs diagnosis in gynecologic screening is important .
- 据东京广播公司报道,“卵母细胞捐献网络”以辅助生殖为目的征集卵子捐献者,目前已有20名不能生育的女性登记成为受赠者。
- The oocyte donation network requires egg donors for assisted reproduction purposes and has 20 women who cannot conceive children registered as prospective recipients , tbs reported .
- 关键知情人表示,虽然存在一定的差距,在规划的项目和设施的覆盖面,投资规划整个nrc的tbs政策的实施,这个问题有望得到解决。
- While key informants stated that some gaps existed in terms of planning coverage for projects and facilities , this issue is expected to be addressed by the implementation of the tbs policy on investment planning across nrc .
- 庆幸聚会后要清理杯盘狼藉的场所,因为那意味着我的周围有许多朋友.
- For the mess to clean after a klatch , because it means that I have been surrounded by friends .