- 那些家伙在写下你最喜欢的曲子时在想些什么呢?
- What was the artist thinking when writing your favorite tune ?
- 谱首歌曲为他们在窗外歌唱---即使你拿不准调。
- Compose a song and serenade them even if you can 't carry a tune .
- 要合调我在it部门工作,这是一个男性主导的环境。
- In tune I work in it in a male-dominated environment .
- 投资银行应注意这一点。
- Investment banks should take note .
- 他的继任者应该注意这一点。
- His successors should take note .
- 雇主也将一定会注意到。
- Employers will surely take note .
- 我从中听不出任何旋律、节奏或是和谐悦耳之音。
- I could make no melody , harmony , rhythm out of it .
- 去融化爱,就像一条正在奔流的小溪哼唱着自己的旋律直到晚上。
- To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night .
- 我突然意识到在脑海里环绕的那首旋律像坏了的唱片终于停下来了。
- And I suddenly realized the melody that had been spinning in my head like a broken record had finally ceased .
- 我们的速度依地形或情绪的改变而改变,但却存在着一种节奏:腿在蹬车,思想在放松。
- Our speed varies according to the terrain or our moods but there is a cadence to the pedalling : the legs turn and the mind unwinds .
- 同样情况发生在“like”(好像)这个词,这里是指当它在语法上多余,或者是为了给句子增加韵律感的用法。
- The same can be said for the word " like , " when used in a grammatically superfluous way or to add cadence to a sentence .
- 事实上,缝制装订外包装是我最喜欢的制书步骤它的节奏总能助我冥想与沉静。
- In fact , sewing the binding is my favorite part of a book 's construction - there is something about the cadence I find meditative and calming .
- 每位女性的平均音调都通过她的声音录制进行衡量。
- Each woman 's average voice pitch was measured across her vocal recording .
- 全球化的拥护者有时只是需要更好的“推销”技巧。
- Sometimes the defenders of globalisation just need a better sales pitch .
- 但是这些频率之间有着特殊的谐波关系,这就是为什么你只会听到只有单一音调的一个声音。
- But the frequencies have a special harmonic relationship , which is why you hear it as a single sound with a single pitch .