- 一位电台播音员哀叹“一个绅士,一名学者,一位英雄,一颗明星”的逝去。
- One radio announcer mourned the passing of " a gentleman , a scholar , a hero , a cinema star " .
- 乔治a米勒,打破旧习的学者,帮助颠覆了行为主义心理学派并用认知科学取而代之,而这种变化不亚于一场人类思维研究的革命,就是这位学者于7月22日在其位于新泽西平原镇的家中去世,享年92岁。
- George a. miller , an iconoclastic scholar who helped topple the behaviorist school of psychology and replace it with cognitive science , a shift that amounted to no less than a revolution in the study of the human mind , died july 22 at his home in plainsboro , n. j. he was 92 .
- 读研的时候,有位教授告诉他,一门心思打通巴别塔只会让他成为浅尝辄止的庸才,而非术业精进的学者。
- As a graduate student a professor told him that an ambition to learn more languages would mark him as a dilettante not a scholar .