- 当他们神志不清时,迈可和莎拉绑架了克里斯蒂娜,把她塞入迈可的车尾箱里。
- While they 're incapacitated , michael and sara abduct christina and bundle her into the trunk of his car .
- 我们有时看到那些利用网络诱拐儿童的新闻都心惊肉跳。
- E.g. the news that we see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension .
- 移动电话使绑架案件受害人和证人能够迅速通知警方。
- Mobiles enable kidnap victims and witnesses to inform the police swiftly .
- 在我13年的谈判生涯中,我处理过120起海外劫持案件和无数其它的人质事件,但韦科事件是最令我痛苦难忘的。
- In my 13-year career as a negotiator , I dealt with 120 overseas kidnap cases and countless other hostage cases , but waco was the most traumatic .
- 他还宣称印度对这个国家进行了电子监控,并从孟加拉国的城市绑架嫌疑人。
- He claims that indians conduct electronic surveillance in the country and kidnap suspects from bangladeshi cities .