- 语言学的分支语用学即是研究语境如何影响含义的学问。
- In linguistics , pragmatics is the study of how context influences meaning .
- 指示语一直是语用学的基本课题之一,但由于指示语与人们的日常交谈及文学创作紧密相连,因此对它的研究也受到各领域学者的关注。
- Although deixis is one of the basic subjects in the study of pragmatics , the use of it is indispensable to human daily conversation and literature , thus researches on it are always the major subjects of scholars of various fields .
- 文章试从指示语、预设、会话含义、合作原则及关联理论等语用学的基本理论来分析幽默语言现象的成因,旨在探求语用规则和幽默之间的关系。
- This paper analyzes humorous utterances through the basis theories of pragmatics , such as deixis , presupposition , conversational implicature , cooperative principle and relevance theory , so that we can find the relation between principle of pragmatics and humor .