- 在武器供应合同签署的初期,以色列可能会争辩说许多西方国家,包括美国曾与南非种族隔离政权有类似的秘密关系。
- In the early days of the arms supply pact , israel could argue that many western countries , including the united states , had similar surreptitious relationships with the apartheid regime .
- 十月七日,大阪的一位商人就他的七小时“自愿”审讯做了一份秘密记录,在审讯中,警察威胁说要打他并毁了他的生活。
- On october 7th a businessman in osaka produced a surreptitious recording of his seven-hour " voluntary " questioning , in which the police threaten to hit him and destroy his life .
- 第三个案例,之前的努力的启发,取材于美国西南地区的一个治疗师的秘密录音,在一个西南部的治疗师办公室里。
- A third case , based on surreptitious recordings of a therapist from the southwestern region of the united states , was inspired by the previous efforts . Inside a southwestern therapist 's office
- 医药公司行事诡秘、臭名昭著。
- Drug companies are notoriously secretive .
- 今年,由于两党都是如此行事诡秘,情况就很难说了。
- This year , it is hard to say , because both parties are so secretive .
- 他们服务于被非正式地称作海豹突击队第六分队的组织,其行踪是如此诡秘以至于白宫和国防部都不会直接承认它的存在。
- They serve in what is unofficially called seal team 6 , a unit so secretive that the white house and the defense department do not directly acknowledge its existence .