- 伊利运河被认为是美国人民智慧的结晶和伟大历史遗产,世界各地的游客都被其震撼,在各种戏剧、诗歌和文学作品中被称颂。
- Considered one of the finest american accomplishments and a testament to the ingenuity of the american character , the erie canal was a marvel to be viewed by tourists and the inspiration for plays , poems , songs , and books .
- 这浩瀚的词海来源于他从父亲那儿听来的一切歌谣和故事,来源于老师朗诵的诗篇,来源于母亲粘贴在厨房的字母表,来源于霍普金斯、乔伊斯和叶芝所留下的璀璨绚烂的残篇断章。
- They included all the songs and stories he had heard from his father , the poems recited by his teachers , the alphabet-words stuck up round the kitchen by his mother , glittering fragments of hopkins and joyce and yeats .
- 尼克尔森创作了上百首歌曲和诗作,自认为上辈子是个音乐家。
- Nicholson has written hundreds of songs and poems and was a musician in a former life .
- 欢迎大家一睹牛仔诗的盛况。
- Welcome to the phenomenon of cowboy poetry .
- 怎样做才能使诗流行起来呢?
- What can you do to help popularize poetry ?
- 对普通读者来说,诗很难懂吗?
- Is poetry too complicated for the average reader ?