- 然而演说并为转化成实际行动。
- Yet the talk did not translate into action .
- 这意味着要想办法将其经济实力转化为政治实力。
- This means finding ways to translate its economic muscle into political clout .
- 那么,什么时候这些溢美之辞才能转化为更多的工资收入呢?
- So when will those kind words translate into more money ?
- 奥派可以很简单地解释上述图表。
- The austrians can easily interpret the above chart .
- 讽刺的是,人民将这一国家特权事实理解为国家干预是必要的证据。
- Ironically , people interpret this fact as a proof that state intervention is necessary .
- 可能很多人马上理解成究竟是要快速治疗,还是要渐进治疗的问题。
- Many people may immediately interpret it as whether we need a quick treatment or a progressive treatment .