- 什么因素会缩短、延长或扩张欺骗的结果?
- What factors shorten , prolong or amplify the effect of deception ?
- 在假冒品上钻孔,或者剖开假冒品,立刻就能揭穿骗局。
- Drilling into or slicing open a fake item would immediately expose the deception .
- 对阿根廷政府而言,数据骗局持续得越久,其越难从中收手。
- The longer this deception goes on , the trickier it is for the government to end .
- 这样可以减少诈骗,并为政府节省钱财。
- This cuts fraud and saves governments money .
- 欺诈和窃取的范围之大令人咋舌。
- The scale of theft and fraud is shocking .
- 他在为避免引渡到香港接受诈骗罪审判而斗争。
- He is fighting extradition to hong kong to face trial on fraud charges .