- 郑若玲教授认为,大学校长的亲切某种程度上体现了大学的开放程度。学生和包括校长在内校领导之间需要更多的交流。
- Zheng argues that the approachability of a president to some extent embodies how open the university is , and that more communication is needed between students and major university leaders , including the president .
- 其他人争辩道对郑和的历史记载远比这复杂。
- Others argue that zheng 's record is more complex .
- 1805行商郑崇谦得知,英国商馆医生皮尔逊从一艘由马尼拉开往澳门的葡萄牙船上获得牛痘疫苗。
- In 1805 , one of the merchants , mr. zheng chongqian got to know that doctor pearson from the british chamber of commerce had obtained cowpox bacterin from a portuguese vessel sailing from manila to macau .