- 邓巴博士观察到,历史上,几乎人类的每种文化都表现出了这种复杂的渴望。
- Nearly every human culture in history exhibits this complex sense of longing , dr dunbar observes .
- 展览中的画作来自雷克收藏中的重要部分,包括大约600件展品和400张照片。
- Paintings form an important part of the collection , which contains some 600 exhibits and 400 photos and posters .
- 在大楼的一层,你会看到由一位当地技术出众的技师创办的博物馆,展品全都是他自己收集和修理的。
- On the first floor of the building , you will find a museum launched by a local skilled artisan who collects and repairs the exhibits by himself .
- 这仍旧是一项艰难的考试。
- That remains a stiff test .
- 失败和挫折是对众多机构的考验。
- Failure and setbacks test organizations .
- 我参加了一次存在主义的考试。
- I took a test in existentialism .