- 但投资者们有其逆向的推理。
- But investors had their reasoning backwards .
- 这么做的理由是,目前阿联酋已经完全依赖于海水淡化。
- The reasoning is that the uae is now wholly dependent on desalination to survive .
- 法律后面的理由大家都明白,但是执行起来却会非常困难。
- The reasoning behind the law is understandable , but the implementation will be very difficult .
- 不过,这也是信心的表明。
- But it does demonstrate confidence .
- 采取行动去证明你所听到的。
- Take action to demonstrate that you 've heard .
- 我们可以通过一个小游戏来证明这一点。
- We can demonstrate this with a little game .
- 通过对河北省建设项目水资源论证工作中的论证范围、地表水资源论证、地下水资源论证等几个技术问题进行分析和讨论,提出了结论和建议。
- This text analyzes water argumentation work in hebei province including argumentation scope , surface and groundwater argumentation problems etc. , and puts forward some suggestion .
- 法律推理是一种说理的艺术。
- Legal reasoning is an art of argumentation .
- 今天,我们学习议论文的写作框架。
- Today , we learnt how to write argumentation .