- 如果男人对他的儿子订婚女友,且他的儿子已经与她发生关系,但是,他这个父亲却染指她,在被捕之后,则他会被五花大绑并扔进水中淹死。
- If a man betroth a girl to his son , and his son have inter course with her , but he ( the father ) after ward defile her , and be surprised , then he shall be bound and cast into the water ( drowned ) .
- 决定论(或应称之为宿命论)历史观认为,我们不应对此感到惊讶。
- The determinist , or should that be fatalist , view of history says we should not be surprised .
- 决定论(或应称之为宿命论)历史观认为,我们不应对此感到惊讶。
- The determinist , or should that be fatalist , view of history says we should not be surprised .
- 目前我们已经看到了很多基于flex框架上建立的令人惊讶的应用,我们希望新的框架和工具能让大家开发更加神奇的应用。
- We 've been astounded with the incredible applications built with flex up to now , and we hope that with our new framework and tools you can impress us even more !
- 她听到那消息时显得震惊。
- She looked astounded at the news .
- 他的傲慢使她震惊。
- She was astounded by his arrogance .