- ——克劳斯•施瓦布是世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席。
- -- Klaus schwab is the founder and executive chairman of the world economic forum .
- 维基百科也是一个很好的例子,它向我们展示了一个优秀的协作论坛。
- Wikipedia is another great example of a prominent collaborative forum .
- 在行动讨论会中,建立工作队,以落实这些专题讨论中所产生的行动思路。
- At the action forum , establish task forces to implement action ideas on those themes that emerged .
- 戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)领导的英国政府绝对愿意站在站台上向他们挥手告别。
- David cameron 's british government is perfectly content to wave goodbye from the platform .
- 马萧配的竞选纲领就是改善两岸关系。
- The pair campaigned on a platform to improve cross-strait relations .
- 你要到对面的月台才对。
- You need to go to the opposite platform .
- 现代的讲坛通常是矩形的木质平台。在东正教的教堂里,讲坛成为标准的设置,作为祭台和神职人员的讲台。
- In modern times it is usually a rectangular wooden platform . The bema became a standard fixture in eastern orthodox churches , functioning as a stage for the altar and clergy .
- 我们从他那里获得的论坛公司股票每股34美元,如果没有他促成并购论坛这一交易,这股票一文不值。
- We got $ 34 per share for tribune stock that would probably be trading for next to nothing had he not completed the transaction .
- 泽尔称论坛公司会在破产法庭的监管下尽快照常经营,而他哪也不会去。
- Zell says tribune company will continue to operate as normally as possible under the supervision of the bankruptcy court and that he 's not going anywhere .
- 你可以通过德克萨斯论坛上的一片专题文章了解更多。
- You can read more about it in this article from the texas tribune .
- 一年前,我站在这讲台上,并呼吁建立独立的巴勒斯坦国家。
- One year ago , I stood at this podium and I called for an independent palestine .
- 我站在离他演讲的讲台几英尺的地方看他演讲,但被他的安保人员架走了。
- I stood several feet away from his podium and watched and was shuffled around by his security people .
- 他坐着轮椅从电梯里出来,然后站起身,拄着拐杖走到了发言的讲台。
- He came off an elevator in a wheelchair , then stood and walked to a podium on crutches .