- 不过回忆却为人们观察其他世界提供一扇有用的窗户。
- But memory does provide a salutary window into other worlds .
- 存储芯片的价格已经直线上升。
- The price of memory chips has jumped .
- 运动甚至可以帮助恢复记忆。
- It may even restore memory .
- 而你记住了演讲稿,你就不会在乎单词的发音是否正确,而只是跟着正确的感觉走。
- Because when you memorize it , it stops being about getting the words right and starts being about getting the feeling right .
- 我不用写报告,而是去书里撷取一段,熟记下来,再在全班同学面前朗诵出来。
- Instead of a report I was to pick a passage from a book memorize it and recite it in front of the class .
- 小贴士1:记住最重要的googleoperators并有效利用它们。
- Quick tip 1 : memorize the most important google operators and learn to use them efficiently .
- facebook因要保留用户个人数据的政策接受空前的审查,该网站的用户批评其违反隐私权。
- Facebook is under unprecedented scrutiny for its policies on retention of personal data after users criticised the site for breaching privacy .
- 在线公司的客户保持率也相差很大。
- Retention rates foronline companies vary widely too .
- 尽管如此,会计事务所的目标却不只是提高员工保持率那么简单。
- Even so , the accountant 's goals are more nuanced than simply increasing retention rates .
- 亚马逊在2007年推出数字音乐商店。
- Amazon launched its digital-music store in 2007 .
- 简从来没有来过任何一家土星汽车店。
- Jane had never been in a saturn store .
- 在你家附近找一家清洁工用品店。
- Find a janitor supply store in your area .