- 利润率也创了纪录。
- Margins also hit a record .
- 它的记录可以称得上完美。
- Its record here is excellent .
- 很可惜他们没有创造纪录。
- Sadly this wasn 't a record .
- 澳大利亚墨尔本附近沼泽地,一只南部褐树蛙趴在一根原木上。
- A southern brown tree frog sits on a log in swampy lands near melbourne , australia .
- 那些超载这煤炭和原木的卡车沿着崎岖的山区公路狂飙,使得走路也可能成为一种危险的锻炼。
- Walking can be a dangerous form of exercise , with oversize log and coal trucks barrelling down the twisty mountain roads .
- 亚里士多德告诉我们,泰勒斯认为大地就像木头一样有浮力,而大地漂浮在水上,就像是一段原木或是一艘船漂浮在水面上一样。
- Aristotle tells us that thales thought the earth had a buoyancy much like wood , and that the earth floated on water much like a log or a ship .
- 在这种技巧中,所记下的内容是有等级顺序的。
- In this technique notes are taken in a hierarchical format .
- 鼓励作者用注释和图表的方式去写。
- The authors were encouraged to write notes and draw diagrams .
- 我的笔记全部被毁。
- It destroyed all my notes .
- 我们看到了他们第一次会议的真实记录。
- And you have their actual minutes of their first meeting .
- 他的自由落体过程持续了四分多钟。
- For just over four minutes he tumbled in free fall .
- 他们聊了10分钟。
- They spoke for 10 minutes .