- 余华以往小说多以冷漠的叙事风格和夸张变形的极端化倾向表现死亡、暴力和苦难。
- Yu hua usually used indifferent narration and exaggerated tendency towards extremity to showcase death , violence and tribulation in his previous novels .
- 这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。
- This novel uses the first person in narration .
- 大学英语系一年级学生叙述文写作策略之个案研究。
- A case study of college english-major freshmen 's narration writing strategies .
- 这个鼓舞人心的故事已经中断了吗?
- Has this inspiring narrative broken down ?
- 每一次火炬接力都有自己的叙述。
- Every relay has its narrative .
- 叙述体在当今大行其道。
- Narrative has won the day .