- 做梦是忘记还是记忆?
- Dreaming to forget or remember ?
- 记住上帝与你同在。
- Remember god is with you .
- 凭什么让别人记住你?
- Why should people remember you ?
- 利润率也创了纪录。
- Margins also hit a record .
- 它的记录可以称得上完美。
- Its record here is excellent .
- 很可惜他们没有创造纪录。
- Sadly this wasn 't a record .
- 请记住,生物燃料的供应链很长,它涉及成千上万的个体农民。
- Bear in mind that biofuel supply chains are long and involve thousands of individual farmers .
- 永远记住,你自己想要成功的决心,比其他任何一切都重要。
- Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other .
- 当你在创建你的人生指南书时,请记住,这个就是你的人生蓝图。
- When creating your life handbook bear in mind that this is just like your life 's blueprint .