- 研究人员只能推断出丹尼索瓦人可能是黑皮肤。
- The researchers will only conclude that denisovans likely had dark skin .
- 阴谋论者可能推断道:美国政府正企图隐瞒一些数据,让自己更具有吸引力。
- Conspiracy theorists might conclude that the american government is trying to nip and tuck its way to attractiveness .
- 既然排除了墓穴和军用的可能性,考古学家断定,它唯一的用途可能就是宗教崇拜。
- Excluding funerary and military purposes , archaeologists conclude that the only purpose could have been religious .
- 我可以让它再次产生影响吗?
- Can I make it work again ?
- 谷歌可以用上述回答来制作一支绝佳的电视广告。
- Those responses would make a terrific tv ad. for google .
- 综合效应使它成为了一个重磅药物。
- That together will make it a blockbuster .
- 一个新政府的形成可能走很多弯路。
- The formation of a new government could go dreadfully wrong .
- 月球山谷的形成仍是一个谜。
- The formation of lunar rilles remains a mystery .
- 减少企业形成所面临的诸多障碍。
- Reduce the barriers to business formation .