- 我想你的计程表坏掉了.
- I think your meter is broken .
- 每平方米都堆得满满的。
- Each square meter is occupied .
- 智能测度表是一种测量用电或煤气的新型仪表。
- A smart meter is a new type of electricity or gas meter .
- 通过计算在跑步时的平均心率是评估自己运动强度非常有效的一种手段。
- Using your heart rate when running is an effective way to gauge your intensity effort .
- 不过这也是众多测量中扭曲最为严重的一个。
- But this gauge is the most distorted of the lot .
- 他们发出尖叫声并根据反射的回声测量它们的环境。
- They emit squeaks and gauge their environment based on the echo returned .
- 2.预测可能出现的问题,提前进行规划。
- Anticipate problems that might come up and plan for them . "
- 然而,这个计划不会奏效。
- Their master plan won 't work .
- 有时,备选方案也毫不逊色。
- Sometimes , plan b is pretty good .
- 这个理念仍在探索中。
- The idea is still developing .
- 直接性的理念就是生命。
- The immediate idea is life .
- 不是每个人都喜欢这个点子。
- Not everyone welcomes the idea .
- 你数过她的脚趾吗?
- Did you count the toes ?
- 你能数出10个来吗?
- Can you count to 10 ?
- 那么走到巴士站算是吗?
- Does walking to the bus stop count ?
- 你打什么号码的电话?
- What number are you calling ?
- 您的房间号是403。
- Your room number is 403 .
- 零是个神圣的数字。
- The number zero was holy .
- 我们怎么来计算这样的取舍呢?
- How do we calculate these kind of trade-offs ?
- 第三步,计算你的日常开支费用。
- Step 3 . Calculate your overhead costs .
- 计算投资的回报变得越来越难。
- The return on investment is harder to calculate .
- 贷款总额自2005年以来几乎增加了两倍。
- Total loans have almost tripled since 2005 .
- 这一总数暂时是不太可能再增长的了。
- That total isn 't likely to increase again for a while .
- 它们也能保护自己的领海,海军舰艇总数为265艘。
- They can also protect their seas with 265 total naval ships .