- 狱警patterson拿着一部对讲机匆匆走近他,警长要与他通话。
- C. o. patterson rushes in with a walkie-talkie , the sheriff is looking for bellick .
- 7月底,在其他人都畏缩的时候,欧洲中央银行行长马里奥德拉吉更像是一个坚强的州长,准备承担债券市场投机者们的责任。
- In late july mario draghi , president of the european central bank , came out looking like a tough sheriff ready to take on bond-market speculators while others cringed .
- 明尼苏达州的一位警长理查德斯坦内克代表这个国家最大的警察部门向拜登的团队写信。
- Richard stanek , a minnesota sheriff , addressed mr biden 's group on behalf of the country 's largest sheriff 's departments .
- 因为在隔壁同样不起眼的房间里,一名身穿作战服的年轻中士正通过装有单向玻璃的窗口盯着这些山羊。
- For in an equally nondescript room next door , a young sergeant in combat fatigues is staring at the goats through a window fitted with one-way glass .
- 他看着福斯特警官。
- He looked at sergeant foster .
- 黛安娜又朝着福斯特警官笑,他的脸变得更红了。
- Diane smiled again at sergeant foster and his face went redder .
- SGT及其相关蛋白功能的研究
- Studies of the Functions of SGT and Its Interaction Proteins
- 挂轮计算通用软件SGT的设计
- The Design of General Software SGT for Calculating Change Gears
- 格雷警官说,很多案子里都有许多司机开着公车,拍案件照片。
- Sgt Gray said that in a number of cases the motorists who were caught taking pictures were using a company vehicle .