- 很难说michiokaku所著的《未来的物理》(physicsofthefuture)“沉闷”并且“不好看”该书主要探讨了到21世纪末时人类的生活将是什么样的。
- " Dull " and " charmless " are awfully harsh words to apply to michio kaku 's " physics of the future , " a book that examines , with exhaustive pluck , what life might be like at the end of the current century .
- 在上一篇专栏的末尾,我就对volt做出了简短的评论,谈到volt还面临着许多尚未解决的问题,引起了热烈的反响。
- Lots of questions remain , as I discovered when few a words about the volt at the end of my last column drew a number of heated responses .
- 中文中没有词尾浊辅音。
- Chinese has no voiced stops at the end of words .