- 他按照通常的方式讲话。
- His speech followed the usual pattern .
- 但是言论自由怎么样呢?
- But what about free speech ?
- 她做了即席的演讲。
- She gave an improvised speech .
- 之后该警察被告知从网站上删除这些照片,并遭到口头训斥。
- The officer was told to remove the photos from the site and given a verbal reprimand .
- 在这种宁静的状态下询问你的目标,不要指望从你大脑里得到一个口头的答案。
- Ask for your purpose in this state of stillness without expecting a verbal answer from your mind .
- 口头警告,特别是对房地产开发商提出警告,以此来控制贷款已被证明无效。
- Verbal admonishments to rein in lending , especially to property developers , proved ineffective .