- 救援将会是一张空白支票。
- A rescue would be a blank cheque .
- 实施救援必须尽快做4件事。
- A rescue must do four things fast .
- 任何救助都是一种平衡。
- Any rescue is a balance .
- 这样怎么能节省时间呢?
- How do they save time ?
- 所节约的电力将会增加2.5兆瓦特。
- That will save another 2.5 megawatts .
- 乳腺癌筛查确实能拯救生命。
- Breast screening does save lives .
- 油价走高可能有助于它实现这一点。
- Higher prices would help deliver this .
- 客户会评估传递这个服务的物流运作。
- Customers evaluate how well logistics operations deliver these services .
- 但是整形手术确实传递了它声称的益处吗?
- But does cosmetic surgery deliver the benefits it claims to ?