- 激素或环磷酰胺对眼角膜有影响吗?
- Does hormone or cyclophosphamid cross-eye conea have effect ?
- 你知道眼角膜也会被灼伤吗?
- Did you know that your cornea can get a sunburn ?
- 一个农民也许会同意拿自己的肾脏或眼角膜换钱来养活挨饿的家人,但他的同意或许并非出自自愿。
- A peasant may agree to sell his kidney or cornea to feed his starving family , but his agreement may not really be voluntary .
- 不只是头发会变成灰色,有些人眼角膜的边缘也会变成灰色。
- Gray isn 't just for hair . Some people develop a gray ring around the edge of the cornea .
- 目的探讨深板层角膜移植治疗圆锥角膜的价值。
- Objective to investigate the clinical value of deeper lamellar keratoplasty treating keratoconus .
- 角膜接触镜是轻中度圆锥角膜最常用的矫正方法。
- Contact lens is the most common way for the mild and modcrate keratoconus .
- 对于圆锥角膜患者而言,大约20%的患者将要经历角膜移植。
- Of those who suffer from keratoconus , approximately 20 % will undergo a corneal transplant .
- 外科医生victorl.perez表示该手术可以帮助因化学品而使角膜严重受损的病人,也可以对抗损伤。
- The surgeon , dr. victor l. perez , said it could help people with severely scarred corneas from chemical or combat injuries .
- 即使在康复以后,这种病引起的药物的反应,使她的眼角膜,也就是眼睛的表面伤痕累累令她不能看东西,或者接受角膜移植。
- Even after she recovered from the disease , brought on by a reaction to her medication , her corneas - the surface of the eye-were too scarred to allow her to see , or obtain a transplant .
- 大部分的水母没有眼睛,但“海黄蜂”的伞状体上却有好几组眼睛,具有完整的晶状体、虹膜和眼角膜。
- Most jellyfish don 't have eyes , but sea wasps have several clusters of them on their bells , complete with lenses , irises and corneas .