- 你今天看见may了吗?
- Did you see may today ?
- 您能看清楚东西吗?
- Can you see objects clearly ?
- 你可以经常见到他。
- You will see him often .
- 我们需要创新,需要不断满足消费者的期望,这将是我们关注的重点。
- We need to innovate and meet consumer expectations , and that 's going to be our focus .
- 现在,人们既可以在这里会面和宣传,也可以公开阐述自己的观点。
- Now it 's as much a place to meet and be visible as an announcement stage .
- 我们会找到见面的方法的。
- We will work out how to meet .
- 我有时去拜访我的父母。
- I call on my parents on occasion .
- 在奥林匹克运动中心事件发生一周后,我拜访了普京的“魔鬼”新闻发言人德米特里派斯科夫(dmitripeskov)。
- A week after the incident at the olympic arena I paid a call on putin 's redoubtable spokesman dmitri peskov .
- 销售员需要知道拜访什么样的公司,该给这些公司里的谁打电话。
- A sales force needs to know what kind ofcompanies to call on and the title of the person to call within thosecompanies .
- 但他的观点荒谬吗?
- Is his a ridiculous view ?
- 一些分析师有着不同看法。
- Some analysts have a different view .
- 汪晖赞成前一种看法。
- Wang hui espouses the former view .
- 这个理念仍在探索中。
- The idea is still developing .
- 直接性的理念就是生命。
- The immediate idea is life .
- 不是每个人都喜欢这个点子。
- Not everyone welcomes the idea .
- 慢性疼痛是一种无形的痛苦症状。
- Chronic pain is an invisible and agonizing symptom .
- 她有过那无形而实在的体验。
- She has crossed that invisible but solid line .
- 这像是吴与她老公间的无形纽带。
- It felt like an invisible tether linking wu to her husband .