- 让我们回顾一下事实。
- Let us review the facts .
- 回顾以前课上记录的笔记。
- Review your notes from the previous class .
- 这就得回顾一下过去的这一年了。
- It is up for review this year .
- 第四章「绝对再审事由」,主要是针对民事诉讼法第四百九十六条第一项第三款到第六款、第十二款与第四百九十七条后段之事由所延伸的一些争点为介绍,并且以「瑕疵显著性」作为解释方法。
- Chapter 4 absolute rehearing reason introduces some argument points extended from the reasons discussed in clauses 3-6 , clause 12 of article 1 , section 496 and the second part of section 497 of the civil procedure law , using " distinctiveness of flaw " as the explanation approach .
- 美国反倾销日落复审国内法分析及我国的应对策略。
- American anti dumping rehearing domestic law anslyis and china 's countermeasrue strategy .
- 该规定施行前判决、裁定已经发生法律效力的担保纠纷案件,进行再审的,不适用该《规定》。
- Those provisions shall not be applied in the rehearing of guarantee dispute cases of which the judgments and rulings took effect before implementation of the said provisions .