- 有绿色小花和红色小果实及肉质根的泻根;欧洲;北非;西亚。
- Bryony having fleshy roots pale green flowers and very small red berries ; europe ; north africa ; western asia .
- 阿月浑子一种生长在亚洲中部和西部的落叶树(阿月浑子黄莲木属),长有羽状复叶和干燥、似坚果的有核果实。
- A deciduous tree ( pistacia vera ) of central and western asia , having pinnately compound leaves and dry , drupaceous , nutlike fruits .
- 仅仅在700年前,欧洲对于地球的了解和罗马时代的托勒密差不多:只到过北非和西亚。
- Only 700 years ago , europe 's knowledge of the planet extended no farther than ptolemy 's in roman times : just into northern africa and western asia .