- 在他的右手,贴底襟麦克风西利举行的一个分支。
- In his right hand , seeley held a branch with a lapel microphone taped to the end .
- 她写道:“你一定会认出我来的,在我穿的翻领上面有着红玫瑰图案”,于是约翰就在车站那里等待有着红玫瑰图案的女生的到来。
- " You 'll recognize me , " she wrote , " by the red rose I 'll be wearing on my lapel . " So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for the girl with the red rose .
- 她用在我的衣领上钉上了勋章。
- She had pinned a medal on my lapel .