- 美国麻塞诸塞州大溪农场州立公园一项惊人的进展证实了长期以来一直流传在地方上的某些谣言,本周一麻州当局发现了英军第32团,他们仍然在麻州卡莱尔城外的一小片树林里坚持着美国独立战争的反美战斗。
- Great brook farm state park , ma-in a surprising development that has confirmed a number of longstanding local rumors , authorities discovered the 32nd regiment of his majesty 's royal british army still fighting the revolutionary war in a small wooded area outside of carlisle , ma monday .
- 改变亮度因子将不止影响对象的亮度,还会改变对象表面是一小块闪光点,还是一大块不那么亮的区域。
- Changing the shininess factor affects not just how shiny the object is , but whether it shines with a small glint in one area , or a larger area with less of a gleaming look .
- 为探讨砒砂岩地区毛沟的形成机理,以内蒙鄂尔多斯市东一支沟小流域2005-05地形及毛沟特征要素详细测量数据为基础,分析了该流域的毛沟分布规律。
- To investigate the formation mechanism of rills in soft rock area , the paper focused on the geographical and rill characteristics of dongyizhigou small watershed 2005-05 in erdos , inner mongolia , and analyzed the distribution law of rills in this watershed .
- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .
- 很多演讲者的领域很窄。
- Most speakers have a narrow range .
- 狭窄街道上的交通让人望而却步。
- Traffic on narrow streets is harrowing .
- 她们不仅可以得到钱,同时还意味着她们可以从此搬出大学校园里狭小的宿舍。
- They not only get money , it may also mean they can afford to move out of cramped university dormitories .
- 如果你来自海外,你可能要在一艘狭窄拥挤的货船甲板上租用一个位置。
- If you came from abroad , you would have hired space on the deck of a cramped cargo vessel .
- 在拥挤狭小的公寓和大房子之间做选择,我们往往将注意力集中在后者带来的有形资产。
- Given the choice between that cramped apartment and the big house , we focus on the tangible gains offered by the latter .